How to Make Your Own Math Journal


As Big Brother's 5K school year has come to an end, I decided to go back to my curriculum post that was posted in August to see how well we followed "my plan."  We had a couple big things happen within this year-- a move and baby #3, so in my attempt to simplify, several things were pushed to the side.  It shouldn't be a surprise that all I kept was FIAR, math, and phonics!

However, before 2012 ended, we shelved our math program as it was producing too many tears and major stalling.   So then we used Touch Math for a review period and instead of proceeding, I pulled out a workbook that was on our shelves.  So for the past few months he has been completing a couple pages from Evan Moor:  Skill Sharpener 1st grade.

Make your own math journal

The workbook had him do graphing, some money work, and other math activities, but I feel like he is just going through the motions.  And, we hit another wall!!! And now I see the pattern-- it is addition beyond 10 that stumps him.  Although we have learned several ways to add  through MUS and Touch Math and we had memorized doubles facts, beyond 10 brings out the stalling and the whining-- Finally!  I figured it out!!

math journal ideas

Math Journal Ideas

Math is a subject that I want him to understand, probably because I "never got it."  I was going to get MUS out again this Fall, but took a leap of faith and purchased another curriculum!  GAH! Yes, I need intervention. I am a Curriculum junkie!   We haven't officially jumped in with the new math curriculum, but I have given him a couple tests to see where we should start.  If you are wondering what on earth I am alluding too, it is Christian Light Publications LightUnits 100-110.

So, as I wrote in our Summer-Schooling post, Big Brother's math studies will consist of:
  • completing a chapter from Life of Fred: Apples 1x/week
  • Lollipop Logic 1x/week
  • Math Journal (journal page everyday)
  • ... AND speed drills, recommended by Christian Light
  • math games (aiming for 1x/ week)
So I scoured Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers in search of Math Journal ideas--- and there are TONS!!!  I ordered a journal from Miller Pads & Papers and will be assembling his math journal by printing, gluing, and writing in math facts, story problems, etc!!  Lots of work for me... But I think he will enjoy a more laid back approach to math.  This will also help me see what he knows how to do as we've covered a variety of math topics in our FIAR studies and areas of weakness.

Here are some things in his math journal:

missing addend math activity

Check out my Math Ideas board on Pinterest for more inspiration!

Doing anything to keep math 'fresh' over the summer with your child?

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