Heart of Dakota {Beyond}: Units 14- 16 in Pictures


I've fallen so far behind in sharing our weekly studies with Heart of Dakota {Beyond} that I have decided to just share the last 3 weeks we have completed in pictures!  If you have any other questions, feel free to email me and/or comment below if you need more specifics : )

Happy Homeschooling!!

Unit 14-
Geography/ Artistic Expression: Located England on the Map and made the English flag- the cross of St. George.

 History- Did a neat experiment with pepper, water, and soap to "recreate" the parting of the Seas.

Science- learned about snakes and created one with its own scales.

Unit 15-
Science- made our own ice cream!!  Always a hit!

Artistic Expression- both kiddos had fun making their own cow ; ) 

Bible/ Copywork-
Matthew 25:21 with a little Christmas twist!

Unit 16-
Apparently the only picture I took this week!!  Our Art project for the week, T wove an "Indian Blanket."

 ©2011-2013 School Time Snippets. All rights reserved. You are free to link back to my website but all text, photos, and other content may not be reproduced without the written consent of the author.


  1. Pappou and I LOVE the cows!!!! And your verse!!!!! Xoxox


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