We are working through All About Spelling 2 with Big Brother.
We typically work through some or all of the lesson one day and spend the rest of the week reviewing the spelling list.
Every now and then I like to add in some fun into our spelling activities.
Our latest was introducing Big Brother's new spelling list via Mirror Spelling.
I'll admit up front that this Mirror Spelling activity was a bit tricky!
I had major problems writing my words backwards, which I suppose is a good thing?!
Fun Spelling Practice for Kids
- mirror
- pencil
- paper
- word list
You will also want to give yourself time to set this activity up.
Set the mirror on the paper with your spelling word handy, and write it backwards so that in the mirror it shows the correct word.
Watch how you write your letters!
When my son initially saw the activity he was a bit confused!
I told him to simply look in the mirror to reveal his spelling word!
It took him about half the list to get the hang of looking in the mirror to get the right word.
More creative spelling ideas:
Mirror Spelling | Spelling with Pipe Cleaners | Dot Sticker Spelling Scramble |
Mix, Dump, & Spell | Spelling Egg Hunt | Eat Your Sight Words
Mix, Dump, & Spell | Spelling Egg Hunt | Eat Your Sight Words