Are you rowing this home school year?! If you are not familiar with the term, "rowing" it comes from the Five In A Row Curriculum. It's a literature based curriculum that uses a book to explore social studies, language arts, math, science, and art topics. We are loving it!
This week we rowed, Katy and the Big Snow
Katy and The Big Snow
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My son really enjoyed this book and I enjoyed getting to cuddle up and read it to him. With the exception of reading before nap time, he is not much of a cuddler (is that a word?!) during our Five in a Row readings; I think because he liked the book he was more apt to cuddle with me. More often than not, he sits on one of his ride on cars. I love snuggle time with him, though! My little boy is growing up....
We "rowed" another book by Virginia Lee Burton earlier in this school year; we read "Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel." Both books are full of charm; it's a no wonder both are considered classics.
Katy and the Big Snow Five in a Row Activities
Social Studies: Compass, Cardinal Directions, Road Signs
Using Beginning Geography, T learned the points of the compass. We have talked about cardinal directions before, so it was a bit of a review, too.
Language Arts: Copy Work, Explode the Code, Personification
We are one page away from finishing up Explode the Code book 1 and I am just so proud of him! ETC combined with All About Spelling, really helped him gain confidence in blending his sounds together to read! I picked up a Little Critters "Play Ball" early readers book and he read most of it without my help! Finding beginning readers is tough! They are either too easy and/or a little bit too wordy and over-whelm him.
We revisited Personification; I gathered a bunch of toys and had T sort them into two piles: objects that showed some type of human characteristic and not-personified. Afterwords he placed eye stickers on a bunch of his toys and we made up stories together! He is such an animated story-teller, usually using actions rather than words to describe/ show something!
I introduced measuring in inches and feet; my son really enjoys measuring things, so I pulled out a long piece of butcher paper from his art easel and we measured how much snow fell in the city of Geopolis. We measured 4 inches, 10 inches, 2 feet, 3 feet, and 5 feet. Then I made some snow paint and we covered the piece of paper!
Five feet of snow is a lot!!
Using stickers, I made a "How Many Inches" worksheet:
We spent a couple years "rowing" with all three Five In A Row volumes, check out our All Time Favorite Rows here!
Using stickers, I made a "How Many Inches" worksheet:
Art: City Life, Snowman Art
Since this row happened around St. Patrick's Day, we put together a cut and paste Rainbow City activity: for a mix of St. Patrick's Day and big city life : )Science: Snow
Well, I was hoping for one last snowfall... and it didn't come, so we just read a couple of books about snow.
I usually have our next book somewhat planned and I have nothing yet! I am thinking we will row "Clown of God" by Tomie de Paola to work in the rainbow/ St. Patrick's Day theme.... stay tuned!
We spent a couple years "rowing" with all three Five In A Row volumes, check out our All Time Favorite Rows here!