On the first day we read about the Hollanders weekly "Scrubbing Day," so we had one, too! My mom had just came into town over the weekend and brought the kids squirt guns, so using those they washed my windows! Who knew cleaning could be so much fun?!
For Spelling, I made a word search for T on the Chalkboard. Using an Aqua Doodle Pen, he made his spelling words disappear!
Another day he practiced spelling his words in a tray of flour.
I think only fellow HOD-ers who have done this unit might now what on earth we are doing! HA! Or maybe NOT! I know. I know. Not the most appealing picture! But I wanted to include it so I didn't forget what we had done! This blog is a mix of a scrapbook for me and sharing ideas with you!
We had just read that winter was coming and the Storks were migrating to colder temperatures... It was an activity discussing what type of clothing you would wear in the winter. Inside the hat and sock was an ice cube. After 15 minutes, we couldn't feel the ice cube by picking up the hat, but the sock was quite cold. We both agreed we would be much warmer in thick, layered clothing rather than something of thin material like the sock.
I did this because over the weekend when my mom was here, he was able to listen and repeat what I was talking to my mother about while we were in separate rooms; not far away by any means... but he was paying attention!!
Science Exploration sheet: We learned Storks do not have webbed feet like most other birds.
Thanks for checking in!
If you use HOD-- what unit are you on?
Another awesome week! It's always fun to see how every family implements all the different elements of the same program. I've blogged up through Unit 4, but we have completed all of Unit 5, too. With my daughter's wedding rapidly approaching, and a family vacation in the mix, we will be taking a week off soon, too :) I love the flexibility of homeschooling.