Homeschooling older kiddos with a preschooler underfoot? Check out this must-read resource for practical ideas and encouragement in this "season" of life: Preschoolers and Peace.
Homeschooling with littles under foot can be quite exciting... fun... and stressful! I wouln't necessarily have said that our days together are peaceful, however homeschooling mother of eight, Kendra Fletcher, and creator of Preschoolers and Peace brings hope, wisdom, and practical ideas for how to homeschool multiple ages and maintain your sanity in her ebook, Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling Older Kids with Success While Loving the Little Ones at Your Feet.
The eBook can be purchased for $2.99 and is full of little nuggets of wisdom that new and veteran homeschool moms would appreciate. I received the eBook in PDF format, and I just had a "hunch" that this was something I'd rather have in my lap with a highlighter in hand, so I had it sent to a local print shop and had it bound and protected with plastic sheeting on the cover. And I am so so glad I spent the extra $10 bucks to do so!
Homeschooling with a Preschooler
Reading Kendra's eBook has been a breath of fresh air, honestly. It is a short read, about 50 pages, but is full of practical ways to make our homeschool days run smoother with littles. At the same time, I don't want to give false hope saying that since we have read this book our days have been peaceful with a 3 and 1 year old under foot... some days have been just plain difficult, but the eBook brought a peace in ME about our days and this "season in life." And we'll be here for a while, so I might as well enjoy it and be productive and proactive!
I had many "Aha!" moments while reading Preschoolers and Peace. I also couldn't help but feel a peace in knowing that someone has been there and done that, and it will all be okay. Preschoolers and Peace was like having my own mentor at the tip of fingers as I turned each page. Preschoolers and Peace sprinkled in the importance of prayer and God's love and acceptance of you amongnst practical tips for a smoother homeschool day such as, age appropriate chore list, making a list of all the ways to keep your littles busy, and outlining a general routine of your days.
The eBook covers 14 topics and includes a list of linked resources in the last few pages. Topics include:
- What a Homeschooling Mom Needs
- Preparing Yourself to Homeschool Older Kids with Little Ones Underfoot
- Planning Around Preschoolers
- How Do I Keep Them Busy?
- What Does a 2 Year Old's Day Look Like?
- How Do I Get Any Preschooling Done?
- How Not to Just Kill Time
- Circle Time, or How We Pull the Little Ones In
- Preschool Boys
- When All of Your Kiddos Are Preschoolers
- Preschool Chores
- Planning for Preschool
- When Mama is Worn Our (or Pregnant)
- Meal Planning 101
Geared towards homeschooling moms, although all moms in general face this, Kendra tries to relay to readers that "[our] busy, crazy homeschooling moments [could] be different if [we are] looking at life from a perspective that says, I am already accepted and loved and valuable simply because of what Christ did for me and not because I chose the right curriculum or am the perfect parent" (7).
Preschoolers and Peace was very easy to read and was very much relevant to my life right now. Many other Schoolhouse Review Crew members had the opportunity to read it as well, check out what they thought!