It's been a whirlwind with us trying to finish up a few things; Big Brother has been working on a hodge podge of curriculum since October.
We finished up Heart of Dakota: Beyond in October, but at that point I was not ready to begin the next package from Heart of Dakota according to his age/ abilities. So we decided to do a 4 week Unit Study on Pioneers that took us into November, rowed Cranberry Thanksgiving for the third time!!, and then ended up doing the basics and a little Christmas Around the World Unit to add in a bit of geography and crafting into our studies in December.
Can I get an Amen?!
2nd Grade Homeschool Curriculum
Anyways, we spent the first two weeks rowing again with Five in a Row!! I was going to make it a third, but although I love the literature based type of learning, I am realizing my son does not. I cannot really pin-point what it is because he loves being read to and doing different activities, but he just isn't enjoying it enough for me to continue to put in the effort to get things prepped each week. So.... where does that take us???
Knowing that he has enjoyed his workbook style math curriculum from Christian Light and wanting do get away from American History for a bit, I decided to add in some workbooks from Rod and Staff. We will also be adding in Grammar in hopes that it helps encourage and build on his expressive language skills.
So here is what my 7 year old will be working through til our month long Summer hiatus....
{affiliate links included}
- Social Studies: Rod and Staff Grade 2 Our Father's World {and adding in activities from Global Art and Beginning Geography}
- Science: Rod and Staff Grade 2 Patterns of Nature Set
- Math: Christian Light Unit(s) 200
- Spelling: All About Spelling Level 2 {soon to be ordering Level 3}
- English/Grammar: Rod and Staff Grade 2 Preparing to Build
- Daily Reading
- .... and journaling, handwriting, and art will be thrown into the mix throughout the week....
I'm very interested to see how this workbook style curriculum works out; workbooks tend to get a bad rap as they aren't very "hands-on" and seem more like "school at home" rather than homeschooling {there IS a difference!}.
However, I do intend to add in crafts and projects as I see fit; he is very much a "let's just get it done/ no fluff" type of learner. I know that I loose him if I tend to ramble on too much and/ or do too much {like I am right now : ) ). And with baby #4 on his way very shortly, I need to keep things simple for all of us! I'll also get a better feel if this is the type of curriculum I should look at for next year.
So how about you? Have you made any major curriculum changes to begin the New Year?