Roll It and Write! Creative Journal Idea


Creating journal prompts is a great way to make writing fun.  Although for the reluctant writer, the process of coming up with ideas and putting them on paper can be a daunting task, so I've come up with a fun solution! Try this Roll It and Write Dice Game!

Writing Prompt Dice Game for Reluctant Writers

If you find yourself homeschooling a child that is a reluctant writer, worry not-- we are in the same boat! 

Many times we do our school lessons orally, but being that writing IS important I try to sneak in some fun ways to practice writing skills when possible.  

This week's 2nd Grade Blogging Team theme was Journals and so I came up with a journal activity that got my son writing with no complaining! Yay!  

Our Roll It! and Write! Journal Activity is easily adaptable to all skill levels, so it can be used with your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grader; it is sure to be a hit with your reluctant writer(s), too!

Creative Journal Ideas

To set up Roll It and Write! you'll need to print off a blank dice template.

Next, in each square write some kind of writing task.  Our tasks were:
  • Draw It
  • Explain It
  • Write 3 Sentences
  • Acrostic Poem
  • Make a List
  • Write words that Rhyme
Use the same journal tasks or come up with your own!  Make it adaptable to your student(s)!

creative journal dice activity

With a journal and pencil handy, brainstorm with your child a focus word-- maybe a specific animal, place, activity, person, etc.  You could also print out another die and write focus words on that sheet and then roll both dice! 

Next roll the die and write!

The first writing challenge we used the word "boy."  My son rolled, "Draw it!" and drew a picture.

Creative Journal Prompt - Draw It

Another Draw It! Challenge for the word "Ninja Turtle"....

Draw It Creative Journal Idea

"Make a List" Challenge for the word "Zoo"....

Creative Journal Idea - Make a List

My son thought of this more as a game, so he did this activity a few times and wanted me to join in as well.

I picked the word, "Griffin" and ended up rolling "Acrostic Poem."  Here's what I came up with....

Creative Journal Idea - Acrostic Poem

We had so much fun!  Going to give our Roll It and Write! Journal Activity a try?  If so, come back and tell us how it worked for you!

You might also like our Thankful Journal Prompt for November! 

More Journal Ideas: