Apple Seed Counting Mats


Apples, apples, everywhere!

We are fixated on apples over here.  Set up your own preschool apple theme with these fun and simple apple activities.  For example: 

Tuesday:  Make your own Counting Apples Book
Friday:   Apple Seed Counting Mats (read more below!)

From apple literacy to apple math, you can see there are many ways to learn and play with apples!  Today check out how to learn using our apple seed counting mats! 

apple seed counting mats

These apple seed counting mats are perfect for learning how to count to 10, but could be adapted to work on many other math skills like addition, too!  Below, we'll show you two fun ways to use this printable!
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Adding in some hands-on fun is a great way to make math meaningful and fun!  Teach number sense to your preschooler using this free math printable!

Your preschooler will practice:
  • Number Recognition
  • 1:1 Correspondence
  • Counting Skills
  • fine motor skills

Apple Seed Counting Mats

Apple Seed Counting Mats Activity #1: 

Counting Apple Seeds with Beans


  • laminator
  • black beans (or another small black manipulative)
  • scissors
  • printable apple cards

apple seed counting mats using black beans

For this activity, you will need a laminator; this'll allow you to re-use these counting cards over and over again.

After printing the apple cards, laminate for durability and cut apart the apple cards

Provide your little one with a bowl of dried beans.

Encourage your child to put the apple cards in numeric order and then place the "seeds" {aka black beans} on or next to the apple card.

Apple Math Activity #2: 

Counting Apple Seeds with Q-tip & Paint


  • q-tip
  • black paint 

Print out the apple counting cards.

Provide your little one with a q-tip and a small container of black paint.

Count alongside your child and explain that they are going to make apple seeds with the paint.

Have your child dip the q-tip into the paint and make said number of apple seeds on each apple.  

Thus the apple with number 3 on it will have 3 apple seeds, etc.

Continue to work your way to 10! 

apple counting printable

As I mentioned this apple printable is so versatile you could also work on:
  • addition
  • subtraction
  • make it into a fun memory game by printing out 2 sheets of our apple seed counting mats printable.  One set has just the numbers and you could use the q-tip/ paint "seeds" for the matching set.  
  • You could also use this printable after reading one of our favorite books, 10 Apples Up On Top to talk about number sequencing.  Cut up the each apple and stack them on top of each other as you read the book! 

Either way, hope you and your child have fun with these apple seed counting mats!  If you have another fun way to use them in your home and/or classroom... comment below!  I'd love to hear! 

Click the link to print your apple math printable!

  • for personal use only
  • do not alter, sell, or copy printable

More hands-on counting printables:

Need more preschool learning ideas?  Check out our FALL PRESCHOOL LESSON PLANS!  

Like all our individual units, our Fall Unit includes a variety of activities in literacy, math, sensory exploration, craft, science, social studies, gross motor and social / emotional well being. Developed by a team of teachers and parents, these activities have been carefully crafted and kid tested! 

Apples, leaves, and pumpkins OH MY!

From applsauce oobleck to leafy names to pumpkin hopping.... your preschooler will have fun learning and playing!!