Have a curious kiddo who loves to ask questions and seek out answers? Looking for a great book series for young kids? If so, I'm excited to share a new book series called Zoey and Sassafras. We were given the first book, Zoey and Sassafras: Dragons and Marshmallows, in exchange for an honest review from The Innovation Press. After reading it, I hopped online and ordered the next two books!
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I am always on the lookout for good books for my children. There are just too many books out there where the main character acts like a kid, instead of being a kid to emulate-- know what I mean?! So, when we read Dragons and Marshmallows, I was thrilled to come across a strong female character who loves to learn without the drama.
About Zoey and Sassafras:
Zoey is like all kiddos- curious about the world around her. Sassafras is her full-of-personality cat that takes part in all her adventures. In Dragons and Marshmallows, Zoey learns that she can see magical animals as a baby dragon comes to her looking for help. Zoey makes observations and uses her scientific knowledge to help the baby dragon get better.
More Zoey and Sassafrass Adventures:

Why we love the Zoey and Sassafras series:
- Zoey is a young girl who can see magical animals!
- The font is larger so it is easy for beginning readers to not feel overwhelmed
- great illustrations throughout the book help readers understand what is happening
- chilren will expand vocabulary with STEM related words
- great storyline of adventure
The books are to be enjoyed by children ages 4-10. They would make a great read-aloud for the younger children, and independent reading for older kiddos.

As I mentioned above that it can be overwhelming to sift through the rows and rows of children's books your local library or bookstore in hopes to find a good book without drama. My 6 year old and I just loved the first book, and the next two books that followed!
I loved that the book, Dragons and Marshmallows, was short and to the point; it didn't contain extra fluff. It had all the Elements of a Story to make it a fun and captivating read;
The story inspired me to make STORY bookmarks that will help young readers zone in on what any story is about.
S- setting (where does the story take place)
T - talking characters (who is the story about)
O - Oh No! Identify the problem
R - Resolve Attempted
Y - Yes! Problem Solved
(I came across the STORY acronym in Christian Light Education's Reading 500 Program)
Each bookmark includes a loveable character from the Zoey and Sassafras series. There are four bookmarks per printable. If interested, add some color to the black and white bookmarks. Punch a hole at the top and add some yarn or ribbon.
Use it along with any of the Zoey and Sassafrass books, or another book of your choosing! Enjoy reading a story by recognizing the STORY.
- for personal use only.
- do not copy, alter, sell, host, or mass distribute printable.
- clipart licensed to The Innovation Press
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