What My Homeschooled 4th Grader Will Be Learning This Year


Fresh new pencils, markers, and crayons.  School room is cleaned.  Books are pristine.

It is the start of a new school year; Big Brother is a 4th Grader!

We are slowly adding in more work that requires independence, sticking with a much-loved math curriculum, and trying some new curriculum.

4th grade homeschool curriculum choices

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I'll be dividing my time amongst 3 littles, too-- so I am sure there are days where a lot of chaos will ensue.

However, we are up for the challenge!

With so many options to choose from nowadays, it is easy to get carried away.  I am a self-professed curriculum junkie!  Here's what I have planned for Big Brother's 4th Grade year, however, with several other activities planned during the week, some things may need to be adjusted or put on hold.  Gotta be flexible like that!

4th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Choices

Here's the plan:

We've dabbled into history topics with Five in a Row, Heart of Dakota, and LifePacs-- but Veritas Press has always interested me and I felt like now was the time to dig in!  I am hoping the online format will give me a chance to then work around the house and/or help Little Sis work on something.
Not sure how often this will happen, but I purchased it during an online sale.  I've since purchased the hardcover books to go with it.  It looks to be somewhat independent and a fun and simple way to work on world geography.
Just LOVE CLE's math program!  We started with Level 100 and have no plans to change!
Language Arts is another subject we've curriculum hopped; we've used Rod and Staff, Logic of English, All About Spelling, ... and who knows what else.  Choosing Learning Literature through Language Arts just "seemed right" so hopefully, it was a good decision!  I'm also eyeing Sequential Spelling as I think grouping spelling words into visible patterns would work with Big Brother.  I have yet to order it though.
Science has been a difficult subject to teach around here-- not sure why, but I think he'll really enjoy the co-op setting with this subject!
We had the opportunity to receive the whole Home Art Studio curriculum set, so we will pick and choose projects from each DVD throughout the year.

We have a full year of learning planned!  I have yet to schedule everything out as we are participating in quite a few activities this year.  I am thinking that there will be subjects that happen daily and other subjects that will be put in a loop schedule.

How is your homeschool year looking?  Do you have a rising 4th Grader as well?

Just remember: Be Flexible & Homeschool On!!

We've Got This!