How to Make Native American Vest: Craft for Kids


I think I am in the minority when I say this, but I loved history when I was in school.  I found learning about different people, cultures, the who/ what/ when/ where/ why of different "moments" in history, fascinating!! Anyone with me??

My hope to make history come alive in our homeschool through reading books and doing hands-on activities, like this Native American Vest Craft to expose my Kindergartner to the history of Native Americans.  

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hands on native american craft

I've come to recognize that the early years are all about "exposure;"  there is no need for young children to know details and nuances about a certain people group or time period.  However, that doesn't mean not talking about those things.

And November is the perfect time to expose your young kiddos about the early history of the Native Americans, as they played an important role in the Thanksgiving holiday.

Native American Craft for Kids

After reading through a few non-fiction and historical fiction children's literature about Native Americans, my 8 and 5 year old made Native American vests with a recycled paper grocery bag.

How to Make Native American Vest Craft

Check out this YouTube Video for a visual explanation of how to make the paper bag vest.

I didn't take pictures, but I found success by cutting "triangles" in the bottom of the bag and the sides.

I then cut a slit in the middle of one side of the bag and carefully turned the bag inside out and finished cutting the arms and shoulders.

native american craft for kids

Once I transformed our paper bags into vests, we talked about how the Native Americans used picture drawings and symbols to communicate.

I provided my children with chalk pastels to then draw designs and their own symbols on their vest.

history craft for kids Native American Vest

To also work on fine motor skills, I provided my kiddos with scissors so that they could make fringe at the bottom of their vest.

How to Make Native American Vest Craft

They both enjoyed this hands-on Native American craft.   Reading books and crafting are great ways to introduce history to children.

Hope you enjoyed reading through and looking at our pictures showing How To Make a Native American Vest!

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More Native American hands-on history activities :

Native American Small World from Stir the Wonder

DIY Native American Corn Meal from Mom Explores The Smokies

Native American Games for Kids from Planet Smarty Pants

Native American Kindergarten Unit Study