1. Got Beans?!
I've seen this activity throughout Pinterest, and it's basically a type of "sensory" bin without a underlying theme. All I did was throw a bag of dried beans in a pan with some shovels, utensils, bowls and let my daughter have at it. She loved it; and I knew she was done when the beans were no longer in the pan ; )
I keep a stash of all kinds of empty containers. You just never know when you'll need an empty oatmeal box or spice jar! I pulled out every container I could find and let the kids build towers; and then they took turns knocking it over.
3. Who wants a
I found a Gumball Machine at the Dollar Store the other day and though it was a cheapo-- I figured I would find some use for it.... and I did! I filled it up with marbles and let Little Sis play with it. She loved pushing down the lever for a marble and filling it up again.
I used an empty food container and punched several holes in the lid with a hole puncher. Then, I gave Little Sis pipe cleaners, feathers, and cherrios and let her create... and eat ; )
Who knew such "simple" things could present so many opportunities for focus, attention span, and fine motor skills! I have been working on a Christmas *Wish list* for the kids, and I am almost thinkin' of just asking for more beans, kitchen utensils, and empty containers! Ha!
What has your tot been up too lately??
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