If you have been reading our blog for some time, you are probably well aware of our love for books! Whether we purchase them on our own, get them as gifts, or have the opportunity to review one, we love being able to add books to our home "library."
The most recent addition to our library was a review of, "The ABC's of Australian Animals: An Interactive Kids Yoga Book" by Giselle Shardlow. The book retails for $15.95 and is also available through Amazon. In this softcover book, we ventured through the ABC's with Luke to the "Land Down Under."
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review; all thoughts are my own.
The pages are full of color and are sure to please children of all ages. We encountered several animals that we are familiar with, like a for Anenome, c for Crocodile, and r for Red Kangaroo; however we learned about several new animals, too, like q is for Quoll, w is for Wombat, and g is for Goanna. I loved that this book exposed my children to vocabulary words that they most likely have not heard of before!
As you read through the ABC's, roughly two-thirds of each page is taken up by a large illustration that includes scenery, the animal, and lowercase letter. The lowercase letter, although large, is not always noticeable, so it presents an unique opportunity to "search and find" the letter, too. The bottom half of the page shares a sentence about the animal, which was descriptive yet easy to understand, and a corresponding yoga pose. My 6 year old son and 2 year old daughter loved the yoga aspect of this book.
It is great when books are not only fun, informational, open a door for learning, but also get them moving and interacting! And that is just what this book did! The book also includes a list of yoga poses and a guide to make this interactive ABC experience fun and successful.
This book could be used many different ways and in various environments-- ranging from the classroom to daycare center to a co-op or simply at home-- which is where we read and interacted with the book. I pulled out our ABC puzzle and had the kiddos each pick out a puzzle piece, tell me the letter, and then we found the page and did the corresponding yoga pose. Even before I could model how to do the pose, my 6 year old proudly announced, "I can do it!" And little sis followed along, sometimes doing her own thing-- which the author encourages! The poses were easy enough for all of us to do-- or try at least!
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