Greene Bark Press: "Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again" Board Book {Review}


We love adding books to our home library!  We have books covering all sorts of topics and genres.  Our bookshelves hold books that are "fun" fictional reads and those that are "more serious."  We have books with vibrant colors and those with monochromatic illustrations-- and we have enjoyed cuddling together and reading every single one!  Though, not at one time of course!

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Most recently, we had the opportunity to add a board book published by Greene Bark Press to our ever vast and growing library titled, "Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again" by Ginger Pate.  It retails for $8.50 and is geared towards children ages, 3-8.

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"Look Left, Look Right, Look Left Again" is a board book your little one(s) will enjoy and learn a very important lesson from-- how to cross the road safely.  Road safety is such an important topic every child should hear and learn about.  Whether it be in some type of class or through a book, the message is a must!  As a parent of three children, ages 6, 2, and 9 months, teaching my children how to keep safe is part of "my job."  Though sometimes hearing what mom and dad say from someone else, helps drive the message home!  
In this case, my children heard and saw how to cross the street safely from a cute little duck named, Wally Waddlewater.   Though his name was a bit of a tongue-twister, we read through how Wally Waddlewater wanted to mail a letter to his grand-mother and the important road safety rules he had to learn, including the chant: "Look left, Look Right...[...]"  It is so "catch-y" you might find yourself saying it while out and about-- don't ask how I know that ; )  However, I feel that by the time you have said the "chant," you would have to look right again, too?!  I understand the concept though, and I find that my kids often remember things better when there is a catch-y tune involved, such as the one in this book.

Although the illustrations are very cartoon-ish and "busy," I can see why it would be appealing to toddlers and preschoolers.  The characters are cute; the colors are bold; it is an easy book to hold for little hands.  Not surprisingly, my six year old enjoyed the story, too.  He often does not want to be "left out," even thought the book looked more "baby-ish."

I was actually hoping to review this book more for him as he has been given a new found freedom to ride his bike in our cul-de-sac without us right with him.  While his bike safety skills are still a work in progress, we have taken the chance to repeat the chant whenever we go walking/ riding around our neighborhood together.  I also appreciate that it's a sturdy board book, because with a toddler and a baby on board, this book will get plenty of use-- being read, or otherwise!

The message was simple, but the text was engaging, colorful, and original-- all important elements to all books published by Green Bark Press.  Check out what other Crew Members had to say!


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