Heart of Dakota {Beyond}: Unit 2


Week 2 has come and gone!  Seriously, this week flew by... And here I am now trying to make sense of it all and gather all of my thoughts on what happened this past week!  We had a few behavior issues this past week, so our devotional from Morning Bells and our Bible verse, Galatians 6:9-- were very fitting!  But, we learned a lot of educational type stuff, too!  HA!

This week in History, we read about the Pioneers in Jamestown and what life would have been like through a story about a young girl named, Sally.  We read how much responsibility a young child had in those days; Sally cared for her younger brother, knitted socks, mended clothing, helped make soap, etc. etc!  I am not sure my son could truly understand that they had to make everything themselves!

T completed a Note booking page to go along with his history readings all week.  Take notice of how he marked the multiple choice questions; you can tell he's never been to school outside of home!  I chuckled and was going to say that he didn't do it "right,"  but only because that's the way I was taught how to do it in school.  

Our Geography lesson tied in with History this week.  In our last History reading, we learned that Sally's little brother had walked off and went missing.  Using details from the story, we made a map of where he went and where Sally found him.  And yes, I made a map, too!

Science: This new land was very different from England.  One difference was animals and so we explored what animals are native to what continent.  I printed off some Animals Around the World 3 Part Cards and we sorted them by continent.  

Afterwards, I asked T what animal he would like to know more about and he said, "Kangaroos!"  I printed out a page for him to color and by browsing different websites about Kangaroo facts, we put a little tree map together.

Bummed I didn't take pictures of our other Science activity, which was learning about Tree Squirrels and how they stretch and flatten out their body to fly/ glide through the air-- just like dropping a flat piece of paper from high up; the paper falls slowly versus a crumpled up piece of paper.  Such a simple, yet effective science activity!  And though part of me wants to talk, and talk, and talk about what just happened... all one has to do is watch the activity to understand the concept!  

Spelling: Worked on a new spelling list this week, and T did a great job.  "When" was the only real tricky word for him.  We practiced spelling our words a couple different ways this week.  One day he used my old pile of scrapbook letters.

And another day he used his ABC stamp set and playdough.  Spelling is so much more FUN this way!

After four days of spelling practice, Friday is reserved for a short Grammar Lesson.  Week 1 we learned the difference between a Sentence and a Fragment.  This week we learned the difference between a Sentence and a Run On Sentence.  I made a worksheet out of the sentences given in the guide and had T help me place a period in the right spot.  I also did the corresponding lesson from First Language Lessons.

Art:  To end our week, we read a few verses from the Book of Ruth about how she stayed faithful.  Like the pioneers, she could have given up and gone home, but yet both stayed and depended on God.  To remind us of Ruth, we made a grain field.  We used some pieces of spaghetti for the grain and Little Sis helped, too!

Two weeks down, and we are definitely enjoying our time with HOD!  I LOVE the simplicity and how everything is laid out for me-- such a blessing!  And it seems perfect for T's skill level.

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  1. Ooooo! I love the stamps in dough idea! I have letter stamps my daughter uses too, but it never occurred to me to use them a different way!


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