We are back at it! After a few months off, Tot School for Little Sis is up and running : ) To get back into the swing of things, we spent two weeks doing all kinds of activities surrounding the Letter A.
Little Sis is *almost* 29 Mos.
As I shared in our School Room Tour post, I painted some cheap-o frames black, added a clothespin to the top to hold our designated number, color, and shape of the week flashcards. So along with Letter A, we focused on:
- Number: 1 One
- Shape: Circle
- Color: Red
Letter A Toddler Activities
Since I haven't quite figured out how to arrange our shelves quite yet, and I didn't want to overwhelm Little Sis with activities, she had three trays out to work from each day... if she chose, with at least one of those trays changing every couple of days. A couple days, she took a glance, but decided not to work on anything I set out for her. Other days, she did a couple trays.
All About the Letter A Sensory Bin:
Little Sis had to dig around to find all things that begun with the Letter A. I'm not sure what she loved more... digging in the beans or dumping the beans.
Good thing for vaccums : )
Good thing for vaccums : )
Paper Plate Apple:
I didn't take a picture of the completed apple, but one day she painted it red...
The next day, I punched holes around it and turned it into a lacing activity. I also glued a leaf to a clothespin and she practiced clipping the leaf on the apple.
Apple, Apple.. in the Tree Color Chant:
I initially had made a printable for this, but my printer is being a big ol' butt! So.. I'll be sharing what I did make with you another day, but for us to do this activity, I revised it a bit. I cut out a felt tree and apples, and used this activity to practice colors. Little Sis LOVED this!
Big A/ Little A Sort from 3 Dinosaurs:
Little Sis did this all on her own one day... She proudly held up the little a and said, "Baby!" and then she was done : ) I did try and get her to do it with me another day, but it didn't last long.
Pattern Block Alligator
Mixed Media Red Apple
Using a Do A Dot, marker, and red crayon, Little Sis dazzled up the apple.
Circle Sort
To work on recognizing our Shape of the Week, I gathered different things around the house and had Little Sis sort them-- Is it a Circle, Yes or No?
This activity was a bit tricky for her, so Big Brother helped her out a lot.
Apple Do A Dot from 2Teaching Mommies
To add in a little fine motor work, I had Little Sis use beads to fill up the page. She LOVES beads, so this was a big hit. She enjoyed pulling them off the pipe cleaner and putting them back on.
Apple Magnet Page
I believe this came from Making Learning Fun...
Jello Playdough
I have a love/hate relationship with playdough... I love playing with it, but I hate the mess. Homemade playdough seems to not be so messy, so we made a batch!
I used Strawberry Jell-O for the color/ smell... and it smelled SO good!
And I couldn't resist trying to incorporate an activity to go along with, Ten Apples Up on Top
And then Little Sis smashed all our apple fun ; )
Phew, that was a loaded two weeks! I hope she remembers the Letter A now ; )