Here's our most recent week of Tot School!
Little Sis did all kinds of activities to learn the letter and sound of K!
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Letter Toddler K Activities
We also did an activity or two with our color, shape, and number of the week.
Actually as I am writing this up, I realize we didn't do anything with our number of the week. Ha! Oops!
Well, you'll see the activity in more detail further in this post, but I think when I was making her activities, 2 kites turned into 4!
I am pretty confident she totally understands two. For every night, as I say "Pick one more book for me to read"... she happily brings and says, "Twooooooo!"
Little Sis happened to pull off this button activity from her shelves all by herself; it wasn't something I had picked out for her to do.
However, it was perfect! She completed a King's crown with diamonds!!
Make a K
Last week she was ALL ABOUT her little colored teddy bear counters so I made up an activity for her to make the Letter K using the teddy bears, but she was not thrilled with this activity.
Obviously the teddy bears were sooooooo last week : ) DUH!
Find the K's
In hindsight, I should not have made this activity so difficult. Oops!
Probably should have only wrote K's all over the paper, instead. But with her Do A Dot markers, we found all the K's and then some!
Kite Do A Dot
Filling out a Do A Dot page from The Measured Mom
Key Shadow Match
Little Sis definitely had more fun trying to be sneaky and run off with the keys instead of doing this activity!
However, she ROCKED it-- and I thought some of the keys were tricky!
Koala Cut and Paste
Little Sis LOVES glue, so this cut and paste Koala activity was a big hit.
I pre-cut the nose so she just had to glue it on the Koala's face, but as you can tell, she was SO excited after completing it!
Sensory Fun
Also working with Black, I created a sticky table activity using contact paper and a bunch of random black materials-- pom poms, feathers, beads, craft sticks we colored black, ribbon, etc.
Big Brother made a face for her-- can you see it?
Make a Diamond
I made an outline of a diamond using the pink foam sticks and had her re-create the shape.
Kite Sizing/ Counting Activity
I cut out 4 kites using scrapbook paper then laminated them and used some pretty yellow ribbon for the tails : ) Little Sis was to match the sizes.
We also practiced counting and reinforced Big/ Small-- or to her, "Mama/ Baby"!
Pattern Block Kite
I couldn't get the file over at Confessions of a Homeschooler to print, SO using Erica's activity as a guide, I created our own pattern block kite activity.
So many fun ways to learn about the Letter K! Check out more Tot School fun while you're here!