Letter K Toddler Activities


Here's our most recent week of Tot School!  

Little Sis did all kinds of activities to learn the letter and sound of K!

Letter K Toddler Activities
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Letter Toddler K Activities

We also did an activity or two with our color, shape, and number of the week.  

Actually as I am writing this up, I realize we didn't do anything with our number of the week. Ha!  Oops!  

Well, you'll see the activity in more detail further in this post, but I think when I was making her activities, 2 kites turned into 4!  

I am pretty confident she totally understands two.  For every night, as I say "Pick one more book for me to read"... she happily brings and says, "Twooooooo!" 

letter k activities

Little Sis happened to pull off this button activity from her shelves all by herself; it wasn't something I had picked out for her to do.  

However, it was perfect!  She completed a King's crown with diamonds!!  

letter k activities

Make a K

Last week she was ALL ABOUT her little colored teddy bear counters so I made up an activity for her to make the Letter K using the teddy bears, but she was not thrilled with this activity.  

Obviously the teddy bears were sooooooo last week : ) DUH! 

Letter K Toddler Activities

Find the K's

In hindsight, I should not have made this activity so difficult.  Oops!  

Probably should have only wrote K's all over the paper, instead.  But with her Do A Dot markers, we found all the K's and then some!

letter k activities

Kite Do A Dot

Filling out a Do A Dot page from The Measured Mom

letter k activities

Key Shadow Match

Little Sis definitely had more fun trying to be sneaky and run off with the keys instead of doing this activity!  

However, she ROCKED it-- and I thought some of the keys were tricky!  

Letter K Toddler Activities

Koala Cut and Paste

Little Sis LOVES glue, so this cut and paste Koala activity was a big hit.  

I pre-cut the nose so she just had to glue it on the Koala's face, but as you can tell, she was SO excited after completing it!

Letter K Toddler Activities

Sensory Fun

Also working with Black, I created a sticky table activity using contact paper and a bunch of random black materials-- pom poms, feathers, beads, craft sticks we colored black, ribbon, etc.  

Big Brother made a face for her-- can you see it?

Letter K Toddler Activities

Make a Diamond

I made an outline of a diamond using the pink foam sticks and had her re-create the shape.  

Letter K Toddler Activities

Kite Sizing/ Counting Activity

I cut out 4 kites using scrapbook paper then laminated them and used some pretty yellow ribbon for the tails : )  Little Sis was to match the sizes.  

We also practiced counting and reinforced Big/ Small-- or to her, "Mama/ Baby"!

Letter K Toddler Activities
I couldn't get the file over at Confessions of a Homeschooler to print, SO using Erica's activity as a guide, I created our own pattern block kite activity.

Letter K Toddler Activities

So many fun ways to learn about the Letter K!   Check out more Tot School fun while you're here!