God's World News: Current Events Magazine Subscription for Kids {Review}


Teach kids about the world around them with God's World News- a current events magazine just for kids! 

God's World News Current Events Magazine for Kids

I was interested in receiving God's World News for several reasons:
  • My 6 year old son loves getting mail.
  • I thought it would be a great way to sneak in reading and geography.
  • To share with my son that the world is much bigger than our little "bubble."
  • After reading the sample issue and lesson plan on their website, I was very impressed with the quality of information.
  • My son would learn about the world with age appropriate current events news stories-- stories that inspire, tell truth, and tell what is going on in the World.
  • Biblical worldview is woven into the magazine.

God's World News Review from School Time Snippets

Magazine Subscription for Kids

As a SchoolHouse Review Crew Member, we received a year's subscription to God's World News: Early Edition (Gr. 1-2) for my 6 year old son.  A year's subscription to God's World News includes 10 issues.  Each issue provides 24 pages full of color and age appropriate news stories from around the world; news stories touch on economics, geography, religion, and science.  God's World News helps expand your child's knowledge base of the world and its current events, with a Christian worldview.  Throughout each issue you will find a heading titled, Bible2Life, which shares a Bible verse that applies to the story.  

The content is 'clean,' fun, engaging, and ad-free (actually, there are two pages of ads at the beginning and end of each issue, but they can easily be torn off).  Most of these news stories were new to me!  The news stories were true things happening around the world-- not adult news made for kids.  And truth be told, I enjoyed looking through the magazine.  I was fascinated by the two-page spread telling of the wild ponies in Chincoteaue, Virginia... a picture of the oldest man in the world... an article titled, "Is it a Plane? Is it a Car?" and I could keep naming articles!  Frankly, I was impressed with the whole magazine!

However, I do want to note that at first glance I almost put the magazine in the junk pile.  You know that pile... the one with the random magazines and junk mail to be sorted out in the near future.  The cover of the first issue we received had a thick stripe of purple on the top titled God's World News, and the same color purple with our mailing address label and the other magazine titles they offer at the bottom.  In the middle was a picture of a forest fire, titled "A Change of Seasons."  I know you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but it was not aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.  I guess I am used to the flashy, shiny, brightly colored magazine covers and pages.  But, I guess it is the news after all?!  This was clearly my issue-- the lack of flash and/or shine didn't bother my son.

God's World News is also a great introduction to geography.  With the Early Edition subscription, you will also receive a full-size (20x30") map that coordinates with the Map-It! symbol found in each issue.  Do note that the map only comes with the September magazine issue. The Map-It! symbol features coordinates so that you can find the place that is being referenced in the article.  Using the map, we have found Bolivia, where the oldest man in the world lives; Namibia, a country in Africa affected by severe drought; and Hong Kong.

Learn Geography with Gods World News

The map is of a generous size and I like the color scheme.  Normally, maps scream with loud colors that it can be overwhelming to look at.  The map also shares pictures of the North and South Poles, and highlighted boxes of Religions of the World, The Unites States of America, and Europe.  I love that the news stories give coordinates of the country in the article-- great way to practice an important map and math skill!  The downside of the map is that it is paper thin and can be ruined easily (I speak from experience...).

Current Events Magazine for Kids

Each issue is filled with news stories that are just right for my son to understand and listen too.  For the past few weeks after our normal school work was completed, I would ask that he would look through one of the issues we have received thus far and find a story that he would like me to read to him.  

One story he absolutely loved was about a young boy that raced cars!  "What? He races cars?!"  How can he do that? my son exclaimed.  He was beyond inspired!  He also has enjoyed completing the different types of puzzles within the magazines, and thank goodness we have access to the answer keys online because we both were stumped by the maze pictured below!

Gods World News Magazine for Kids Review

Along with a year's subscription (10 magazines), you also get access to their online digital resources.  By simply providing your account number that is included on your mailing address label and zip code, you will be able to view a digital copy of the current issue and issues prior of all their magazines-- God's Big World (PreK-K), Early Edition (Gr. 1-2), News Flash (Gr. 3-4), News Current (Gr. 5-6), Top Story (Middle School), and Trak (High School).  You will also have access to lesson activities, and biography resources.

God's World News Review from School Time Snippets
I found the biographies to be a wonderful addition to the subscription and could/ can be used in a variety of ways.  There is a whole list of short biographies to choose from like, Condoleeza Rice, Noah Webster, Frank Lloyd Wright, Sojourner Truth, etc.  Currently we are learning about the pilgrims and because of this subscription, I have been able to print off a short 2 page biography on John Robinson- Pastor to the Pilgrims to use with our history readings.  A nice bonus!

We both have enjoyed the issues we have received with our subscription thus far and look forward to the upcoming issues.  You can purchase your one year's subscription for $28.00.  Click on the banner below to see what other's thought of the magazine....


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