Jim Hodges Audiobooks: Stories of the Pilgrims {Review & Giveaway}


We have recently ventured into the world of audio books-- Jim Hodges Audio Books!  This was a first for us!  I've always been the one reading stories to my children; it's something I've always enjoyed doing, but because we also happened to be reading Stories of the Pilgrims in our Heart of Dakota {Beyond} History readings, I thought we'd try this new mode of learning and listening.  We received a free download of this audio book as part of the Bow of Bronze Launch Team.  
Listening to the story on audio book was something we both had to get used to, but my son and I both enjoyed listening to the story as it was read to us by Jim Hodges.  Jim Hodges takes us on a vivid auditory journey from the Pilgrims life in Scrooby, England to their new life in America and every challenge in between.  Having someone else read the story made it come alive.  

Since we have received the download I have asked my son if he would like me to read our chapter for the day or listen to it on audio book, and every time it has been, "the audio book!"  There have been a few wording differences from the actual book, but it was very minor and didn't take away from what we had read in the book already.  This would be a great addition to your studies of the Pilgrims and a way to prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday.  The audio book is engaging and would be enjoyable for the whole family. 

Starting November 1st and running until the end of the month, you can download Stories of the Pilgrims by Jim Hodges Audio Books for $15 (regularly $18).  To see if this is something you and your family might enjoy, you can download the first chapter for free. There is also a corresponding Study Guide for $5.  The Study Guide includes vocabulary words to know, comprehension questions, activity ideas, and an answer key. 

Do you listen to audio books in your homeschool?   Jim Hodges has an entire collection of audio books and has given you the opportunity to win the complete collection!  This collection is worth over $700!!  Stories of the Pilgrims is included!  Check out the rafflecopter below to enter to win!  Good luck!

I received this product for free as part of the Bow of Bronze Launch Team. All opinions are my own.  See what other reviewers are saying!
Bow of Bronze Launch Team

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