Adorable Paper Plate Spring Chick Craft for Kids


If you are a long time reader of School Time Snippets, you may know that every once and while I like to share a fun simple craft, and that's what I'd like to share with you today!  

It's a great tot and/or preschool craft, and even my 6 year old joined in the fun!  

Get ready for spring with our cute Paper Pate Spring Chick!

paper plate spring craft for preschoolers

To make your own Paper Plate Spring Chick, you just need to gather 5 materials!  

Easy Spring Craft for Kids

Well, 7 materials if you count the glue and paint brush.  

easy spring craft for kids
We painted our paper plates earlier in the week and didn't finish because I realized after I said, "Let's make this..." that I didn't have enough yellow feathers!  Oops!  

Had we done this all in the same day, once our paint dried, just add the googly eyes, feathers and orange beak and you have your Spring chick! 

Super simple and super cute!

easy spring craft for kids

This craft is perfect for preschoolers, but simple enough that toddlers can join in and cute enough that older kiddos want to participate, too!

spring craft for kids
My 3 year old's Spring Chick
 My 6 year old's Spring Chick

spring craft for kids

Looking for more Spring crafts?  Check out some of the other activities we have done:

I'd love for you to follow along so you never miss out on one of our fun activities we share at School Time Snippets!
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