25 Spring Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers


Well, it's officially Spring here!  

And ironically, I'm not feeling it-- go figure! {update! The morning this post went "live," I woke up to SNOW!} However, since it is official via calendar, I put together a big ol' list of spring preschool activities your little(s) will love that also sneak in strengthening fine motor skills.


Here are 25 spring activities that promote play based learning while strengthening those all important fine motor muscles and make some pretty crafts and/or reinforce some learning concepts in the process.  So  think spring and enjoy these fun fine motor activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and Kindergarten kiddos! 

The preschool age is so much fun-- lots of play based learning and hands-on activities are woven into each task.  You'll find crafts, letter recognition, math skills, and more in this list.  And as I've mentioned, each activity also develops and improves fine motor muscles which are so important from feeding oneself, to building with blocks, to writing a note-- fine motor skills are important at all stages of life!

Try one of these spring activities (or all!!) with your little one! 

From rainbows to flowers to spring animals, get working on those fine motor skills with these spring theme activities!


Below each group of links is a collage of the activities to give you a glimpse at what the activity is all about.  

Just click each link to read more!

spring preschool activities that improve fine motor skills

play based spring preschool activities

hands-on spring preschool activities

Hope this list of preschool activities inspires you to have some spring themed fun while working on fine motor skills with your toddler, preschooler, and/or Kindergarten kiddo!

spring preschool activities


Check out our SPRING PRESCHOOL UNIT LESSON PLANS!  These literature based spring preschool plans contain 24 lessons for 3-5 year olds.

Teach your preschooler important learning skills with fun spring themed activities:

• Flower Petal Name Building

• One to One Flowers

• Growing Plants

• Why Do Ducks Stay Dry? Experiment

• Process Art with “Rain”

• Nature Cutting Tray

• Down in the Dirt Discovery Bottle

• Alphabet Flower Jump

• Five Little Ducks

..... and more!!

spring preschool lesson plans