Count & graph Insects is a fun, hands-on graphing worksheet to work on visual discrimination, counting skills, and introduce your child to graphing skills. This insect printable can be used with preschoolers, Kindergartners, and/or 1st Graders for graphing practice! Just print, count, & graph!
Insect Printables
Not a big fan of real insects, but I'm totally okay with cute insect crafts and activities. In fact our popular Sequencing Stick was inspired by the popular Very Hungry Caterpillar.
I've used my kiddos finger and hand prints to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly...
and I recently shared a fun math game using mini eraser butterflies-- a great way to help your kiddo count to 10 and/or 20!
Keeping with the insect theme, we are sharing a fun I SPY-inspired graphing practice game!
So moral of the story, fake bugs good-- real bugs, bad! Ha!
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I will say that although I am no fan of bugs, we have "grown" butterflies before and that was such a cool experience! It is a must in my book if you haven't done it! Anyways... onto graphing!!
Counting Insects Graphing Worksheet
- visual scanning and discrimination
- counting skills
- 1:1 correspondence
- graphing practice
Add this free printable graphing worksheet to a math notebook or use as a quick boredom buster!
Just print!
- I SPY printable
- writing manipulative like a do a dot marker
or regular old crayons
work, too, to mark the graph.
- page protector (optional)
Graphing Practice
On the Count & Graph Insects worksheet, your child will be searching and counting the number of five different insects:
- purple butterflies
- ladybugs
- fireflies
- blue butterflies
- dragonflies
Can you find them all?!
How to use this Insect Graphing Worksheet
Choose an insect to count first. Once you have found and counted the number of images for that insect, fill out the graph below.
For example, there are 5 purple butterflies. Using a do a dot marker, fill in five squares in the row of the purple butterfly.
Count & Graph Insects Answer Key
- 5 purple butterflies
- 6 ladybugs
- 10 fireflies
- 3 blue butterflies
- 7 dragonflies
A few extension ideas:
If your child is interested, it's a great way to then introduce the concept of more/ less than!
Ask simple addition questions to make 10. If there are 5 purple butterflies, how many more do we need to make 10?
More Graphing Activities
More I SPY Pages
>> Click to download Count & Graph Insects Printable <<
- Graphics by Heidi Babin – The Doodle Oven
- Do not alter, re-sell, copy, or claim printable activity as your own
- For personal use only.
- Please do not link directly to PDF; please link the blog post if you wish to share.
- Enjoy!
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