Build A Snowman: Winter Window Art Activity


The first big snow of the winter season has already come and gone and it was the perfect kind of snow to make snow angels, throw snowballs, and... build a snowman! 

When will more snow come, I am not sure, but my kiddos had a blast building a huge snowman for our backyard complete with a hat, scarf and carrot nose.  

Until then, when the mood strikes to build another snowman, our Foam Window Snowman will have to do!  

It's the perfect activity for little ones that can't bare the cold for too long just yet and/or if there is just no snow to be had during the cold winter months.  

So, Wanna build a snowman?!  

We'll show you how! 
build a snowman indoor activity
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  • Several different colors of foam
  • scissors
  • paint brush
  • water

Snowman Activity for Kids

If you are looking for a fun indoor activity for toddlers and preschoolers due to lack of snow or it is just too stinkin' cold out, here is the next best thing!  A Foam Window Snowman!

How to Make a Window Snowman:

With two or three large 12x18' white foam sheets, cut out three circles in varying sizes small to large.  This will be the body of the snowman.

Next cut out a carrot nose, two brown "twig arms", several large circles for buttons, a hat, and several small circles for eyes and a mouth.

how to make foam snowman

Once the snowman pieces have all been cut from foam, gather a cup of water and a paint brush for each child.

Ready to build a snowman?!

Have your child build the body of the snowman first.  The largest circle on the bottom, the next largest in the middle, and the smallest on top for the head of the snowman.  

To apply the foam to the window, just "paint" water onto the foam and place that part onto the window.... and it sticks!

Next, have your child add the arms, hat, nose, buttons, eyes, and mouth onto the snowman, too.

winter art foam snowman activity

Enjoy building this foam snowman from INside... from the warmth of your own home! May not be the real thing, but the little ones will delight in having built a snowman all by themselves!

More Winter Activities to do inside:
For more winter fun, you also might enjoy our Winter Preschool Unit Lesson Plans all prepped and ready to go with 24 activities!