Teach your toddler or preschooler all about the Letter V with this fun alphabet craft! Alphabet crafts are a great, hands-on way to learn shape and sound of each letter. Today we are sharing a simple and fun craft your preschooler and kindergartener can make for the letter v! Make this sweet V is for Vase letter v craft.
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Whether you explore a letter a week or when the mood strikes {which is how we are rolling lately}, creating an alphabet craft is a fun way to learn the letters of the alphabet. I LOVE the visual it creates to help your child remember the shape and sound of the letter.
For more Letter V activities, you might like to check out our Tot School: Letter V Week!
Enjoy making this simple alphabet craft.
Supplies Needed:
- construction paper
- glue
- sequins
- cupcake liners
- pipe cleaners or craft sticks
This letter v craft is very simple to put together and adaptable to the materials you have on hand!
Begin by tracing and cutting a letter v out of construction paper. To give your child some extra scissor practice, have him/her cut out the letter V from a printable template or one you draw by hand.
We used green pipe cleaners for the stems, however you could also use green craft sticks.
Once we glued our Letter V onto another sheet of construction paper we assembled our cupcake liner flowers.
Once we glued our Letter V onto another sheet of construction paper we assembled our cupcake liner flowers.
We poked the green pipe cleaners through our cupcake liners, then glued on a sequin to the middle.
For extra fine motor scissor practice, you could have your toddler or preschooler make snips towards the middle of the cupcake liner to create petals-- just don't cut all the way through!
Next, we inserted the cupcake liner flowers into our V is for Vase letter craft!
Next, we inserted the cupcake liner flowers into our V is for Vase letter craft!
Crafting through the alphabet is almost complete! Just a few more letters to go. And another one to add to our school room wall!
This project has been time consuming, but OH SO FUN! Cannot wait to see our alphabet crafts all together when we are done!